Tuesday, June 24, 2008

FC Dallas 4th of July Spectacular

FC Dallas
July 4th, 2008


For the highest readability, start your letter with a short sentence.

Message Headline

By breaking up the body of the letter into logical topics, your readers can focus in on the topic that they deem most relevant.

Select your wording carefully. Most people scan their emails very quickly. Keep your paragraphs to seven lines or less. If you have more information, include a link to your website where your readers can get further details.

Thank your customer, tell them how valuable they are to you, but don't go overboard. Insincerity is easy to spot.


FC Dallas
FC Dallas

I had to post this... it was just funny to read and I know they didn't mean to send it... but still, it is pretty hillarious. Johnny Out.

Home Plate

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